Category: Blog
The NSA Has An Advice Columnist. Seriously.
My New Job at First Look
This is just a quick note to announce that I have joined First Look Media as a senior writer. I’m quite delighted and excited to be working with Glenn Greenwald, Jeremy Scahill, Laura Poitras and many others at First Look. For more, here’s the announcement.
Behind the Cover Story: How I Reported on Poitras, Greenwald and Snowden
The following is a question-and-answer interview published on the New York Times Magazine’s blog, “The 6th Floor.” Rachel Nolan conducted the interview.
RN: Everyone wants to talk to Snowden, and, failing that, everyone wants to talk to the two people talking to Snowden. How did you ...
The Snowden Interview
In the course of reporting my profile of Laura Poitras for The New York Times Magazine, I conducted an encrypted question-and-answer interview, for which Poitras served as intermediary, with Edward J. Snowden. Below is a full transcript of that conversation.
Peter Maass: Why did you seek out Laura ...
On Leakers, Heroes and Traitors

Julian Assange, Bradley Manning and, now, Edward Snowden. Heroes or traitors? My latest story in The Nation argues that character questions of this sort serve as distractions ...
Invasion: Diaries and Memories of War in Iraq

The exhibit I have been working on, Invasion: Diaries and Memories of War in Iraq, opened last week at the Bronx Documentary Center in New York City. It features the remarkable war diaries of Marine Lt. Tim McLaughlin, excerpts of stories I wrote about the invasion, and photos by Gary Knight. ...
Invasion, the Kickstarter

Here’s a screenshot of the opening frame of the fundraising video for the war diary exhibit I’m co-curating. Exhibit launches in mid-March, on the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. More posts coming soon.
“Zero Dark Thirty” and the Shadow of Embedded Filmmaking

Much of the pre-release debate about “Zero Dark Thirty” has focused on whether it portrays torture as effective, in the sense of prying information out of al Qaeda suspects. Yes, the movie conveys that view, and I think it’s inaccurate. Many experts, including key senators who oversaw ...