As Omicron Surge Begins, Hospitals Have New Reason to Open Covid-19 Wards to Journalists

The Intercept
Dec. 19, 2021

Michael Dowling made an unorthodox move when the Covid-19 pandemic got underway. Dowling is the chief executive of the largest hospital network in New York, and he decided that instead of barring journalists from Northwell Health’s facilities, he would let a documentary ...  (Read more)

Hiding Covid-19: How the Trump Administration Suppresses Photography of the Pandemic

The Intercept
December 27, 2020

AS COVID-19 TORE through the United States in the spring, a senior official in the Trump administration quietly reinforced a set of guidelines that prevented journalists from getting inside all but a handful of hospitals at the front line of the pandemic. The guidelines, ...  (Read more)