Noon Visiting Hours Prove Deadly as Serbs Target Sarajevo Hospital

The Washington Post
March 10, 1993

SARAJEVO – It was midday, and Munira was at the doorstep of Kosevo Hospital’s diagnostic building. She was an architect, and her job was to assess shell damage at the medical complex and supervise repair work.

Midday is the time when the hospital is busiest. ...  (Read more)

U.S. Airdrop Misses Muslims; Relief Planes Fly 2nd Mission Serbs Said to Have Seized Drop Zone Before 1st Flight

The Washington Post
March 2, 1993

SARAJEVO, March 1 – U.S. Air Force cargo planes parachuted a second load of emergency aid to isolated areas of eastern Bosnia tonight, less than 24 hours after the first such airdrop failed to reach the beleaguered Muslim civilians for whom it was intended and apparently ...  (Read more)

Hostility Spreads to Airwaves; Serbs Intercept, Jam Muslim Radio Traffic

The Washington Post
March 2, 1993

SARAJEVO, March 1 – A Muslim shortwave radio operator in Cerska was shouting through the crackling receiver here that Serb militia forces were attacking the east Bosnian town. Then, all of a sudden, a menacing voice cut him off.

“You are lying, you Muslim filth,” ...  (Read more)

A Tiny Coffin, a Swift Prayer; Snow Blurs Snipers’ View as Sarajevans Bury Infant

The Washington Post
February 26, 1993

SARAJEVO, Feb. 25 – Today’s burial of Almedena Seta was like most others here, except that she was only 2 years old when she was killed by a Serb tank shell while napping, and so the coffin bearing her body was no bigger than a pillow.

Funerals in Sarajevo, ...  (Read more)