Institute for Public Knowledge

New York, NY
A panel discussion on “The State of Surveillance: Legal, Cultural and Technological Perspectives,” with Clay Shirky, Eyal Press, Carrie Cordero, Faiza Patel and Peter Maass. At NYU’s Global Center for Academic and Spiritual Life, 238 Thompson Street, C-95 Lecture Hall. 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. For more info, click here.

Author: Peter Maass

I was born and raised in Los Angeles. In 1983, after graduating from the University of California at Berkeley, I went to Brussels as a copy editor for The Wall Street Journal/Europe. I left the Journal in 1985 to write for The New York Times and The International Herald Tribune, covering NATO and the European Union. In 1987 I moved to Seoul, South Korea, where I wrote primarily for The Washington Post. After three years in Asia I moved to Budapest to cover Eastern Europe and the Balkans. I spent most of 1992 and 1993 covering the war in Bosnia for the Post.