New Deal: On North Korea, the U.S. Needs an Alternative to the Hawks’ Belligerent Rhetoric

The New Republic
December 22, 2003

It was a perfect day for a provocation. In late August, Norbert Vollertsen, a German human rights activist, traveled in a chartered bus from Seoul to Cholwon, just a few miles from the border with North Korea. His mission was simple: to launch a flock of hot air balloons, ...  (Read more)

The Last Emperor: From Defectors and Former Aides, a Portrait of Kim Jong Il Is Emerging

The New York Times Magazine
October 19, 2003

The Dear Leader is a workaholic. Kim Jong Il sleeps four hours a night, or if he works through the night, as he sometimes does, he sleeps four hours a day. His office is a hive of activity; reports cross his desk at all hours. Dressed as always in his signature ...  (Read more)

Meet the New Boss: Dathar Khashab Didn’t Miss a Step When His New Managers Showed Up Wearing U.S.-Issue Fatigues

The New York Times Magazine
June 8, 2003

There are two types of people who do well in dictatorships: those who make themselves politically indispensable, doing whatever bit of wickedness the dictatorship requires, and those who make themselves economically indispensable, keeping the trains and refineries ...  (Read more)